Episode 12: Remi Adekoya on Why Coups are Making a Comeback in Africa

Welcome to the twelfth episode of Afro-Catalyst, a podcast by Botho Emerging Markets Group.

Mali, Guinea, Sudan, Niger. The steady uptick in coups across Africa in the last year has raised alarm bells in the international community. After nearly two decades of progress and peace, recent gains seem to be eroding. What forces are driving the rise of these grasps for power? These aren’t your grandfather’s coups, after all. With knowledge of social media and growing transnational ties to autocratic regimes with deep pockets, today’s coup leaders have a different set of tools at their disposal. In this episode of Afro-Catalyst featuring Remi Adekoya, a political analyst and Associate Lecturer at York University, we unpack the dangers of states’ failure to deliver development, the psychology of powerful elites as well as how to renew faith in democracy in the world’s youngest, fastest-growing population.

Host: Isaac Kwaku Fokuo, Jr. & Akinyi Ochieng

Guest: Dr. Remi Adekoya, Associate Lecturer, Department of Politics, University of York


Episode 13: Miishe Addy on Why Africa's Supply Chains Are Overdue for Disruption


Episode 11: CNN’s Stephanie Busari on How Landing Her Dream Job Revealed Hidden Biases and Helped Her Discover Africa with New Eyes